Debt Collection Services Australia Wide
Kearley Lewis has a range of debt collection services Australia wide. We have tools and resources to ensure we meet the needs of businesses today. We work for some of Australia’s corporate businesses as well as individual business owners, and we support these businesses to improve their collection rates.
Debt Collection
We’ll collect your debts, keep costs down and preserve your relationships, whilst making the process as smooth as possible.
Terms & Conditions
Having a good set of terms and conditions protects your business, improves your collection rates & can reduce the cost of recovery.
Payment Default
We can lodge a payment default on a company or a business, on your behalf. We do this through our direct online access with Equifax.
Reports & Searches
A search plays a key role in assessing new and existing customers and to what extent you extend them credit. Know your customers and have a process in place to protect your business.
Legal Action
It is not always possible to collect your debts without legal action, but we’ll do everything we can to avoid this and keep the costs down.